Samantha "Sam" Camden - (age 24)

Sam revealed that he was gay at his graduation; two years later he became a she. He had a transgendered surgery in 2019, after having been attending Vassar for a whole year. Her surgery took place during the summer, so when she returned she was not recognized by any of her fellow students. When people started to find out, she suffered major discrimination.

Nothing held Sam back, though. In 2021 she graduated from Vassar with a degree in Theater. She now spends her days on Broadway performing in various plays.

Her sisters have disowned her, though she remains in contact with all three of her accepting brothers. She doesn't come to Glen Oak often, but when she does she stays with Matt. Even though Lucy tries to keep her children away from her, since Savannah is particularly close with her uncle Matt and aunt Sarah, she spends a lot of time at their house. She has become fascinated with what Sam does and wants to follow in her footsteps.

David Camden - (age 24)

In 2021 he graduated from Chapman University in Orange, California with a degree in K-6 education. He’s currently living with Simon, Cecilia, and their children in St. Louis, Missouri. Cecilia found him a job teaching fourth grade there. After he was hired, they offered for him to move in with them. While he doesn’t go back to Glen Oak often, he still calls frequently.

He ended up breaking up with his girlfriend of three years when she was offered a job up in Washington state. Having no family up there, he just couldn't move that far away from everyone. He's currently single, but he's scoping out a potential partner. David dreams of getting married and having a relationship with his wife like his older brothers both have. His "dream" is to get married and have two children; one boy and one girl.