Vic & Paris Petrowski

Emma "Emmy" Rae Petrowski

Born: July 7th 2005
Age: 17, almost 18
Grade: 12th
Location: Glen Oak, California
High School: Kennedy High School
Graduation Year: 2023
Other: Is dating Tyson "Ty" Johansen. He's the son of Jordan and his wife, Ella - that guy that Mary and Lucy dated in high school. 

Emmy is Savannah's best friend. She doesn't handle stress well. When in stressful situations, she tends to get frustrated. Other than that, she's open to anyone. She loves baby-sitting her brother's young children. Also, she's close with her niece Carin. She thinks it's totally 'rad' that she has a niece only three years younger than her.

She dreams of growing up, getting married, and having lots of children herself. She plans to major in Early Childhood at Crawford College so she can remain close to her nieces.

Peter & Meredith Petrowski


Peter and Meredith were married on April 22nd 2017, shortly before attending Sam and David's big 'graduation' party. Meredith announced she was pregnant with Alexis at the party. Meredith was alarmed to find out she was pregnant.

Meredith had always planned on adopting all of her children, and never having any of her own. Shortly after their daughter Alexis's birth, Peter and Meredith started to look into adoption. In 2020, they adopted a family of three children: Gavin, Lilah, and Claire.

When Meredith found out she was pregnant a second time, she was twice as alarmed. Peter and Meredith's second biological child, Allie, entered the world on January 23, 2023 - Savannah's 18th birthday.

Meredith works as a nurse at the Glen Oak Hospital and Peter is a Guidance Counselor. Peter and Ruthie's daughter, Carin, has lived with Peter since she was four in 2012, five years before he and Meredith married.

Gavin William Petrowski

Age: 17
Birthday: May 11, 2005
Grade: 12th
About: Gavin was adopted by Peter and Meredith when he was fourteen years old. At that point, he and his brother and his two sisters had been in foster care for three years. His mother was a drug addict and payed little attention to him and his little sisters. He considers himself the "man" of the house and is really close to his biological siblings and his siblings through adoption.

Lilah Mae Petrowski

Age: 14
Birthday: March 2, 2008
Grade: 9th
About: Lilah was adopted along with her siblings, Claire and Gavin, when she was eleven years old, after having been in foster care for three years. Lilah tends to have mood swings and has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder; she can be depressed at one moment and ecstatic the next. She's on medication and is making progress.

Lilah looks out for her youngest sister, Claire, but she is often jealous. She accuses Peter of loving his daughter, Cari, more than loving her. She and Cari get along better now than when Lilah first entered their lives, and despite Cari's efforts to be nice to her, Lilah often shoves her away.

However, Lilah gets along well with Cari's best friend, Cassi.

Claire Amber Petrowski

Age: 10
Birthday:  May 12, 2013
Grade: 4th
About: Claire was seven when she was adopted by Peter and Meredith, but out of her three siblings, she has the most cognitive problems. She struggles with reading and focusing in school, and this is believed to be caused by her mother's drug usage when she was pregnant.  Claire is also dyslexic. She was held back in the 3rd grade because she could not read.

Outside of the classroom, Claire is a sweet girl. She adores Alexis, and looks up to Cari; which often upsets her sister Lilah. Lilah tries to look out for Claire, insisting that it's important "they stick together," and don't let others in.

Claire is a sociable little girl. She loves meeting new people and making friends. However, she's often desperate to fit in, which has gotten her into trouble with Mollie Hampton. Abby Sanderson tries to look out for Claire, but Claire has a naive mind of her own.

Alexis Marie Petrowski

Born: November 30th 2017
Age: 5
Grade: Pre-K
Graduation Year: 2036
Other: First biological child of Peter and Meredith. Attends pre-school with Isabel and Caden. Often comes over to play at Matt and Sarah's house with Isabel. She can be a little 'hyper'. Lucy doesn't like her around Hannah, she reckons that she could be a bad influence on her precious angel. Alexis might be cute and innocent on the outside, but on the inside she's a little devil. Often, she refuses to obey her own parents. She always listens to her older half-sister, Carin.

Allie Lynnae Petrowski

Born: January 23rd 2023
Location: Glen Oak, California
Age: 4 months
Other: Is a cute little doll... for now. Peter and Meredith often comment on how much 'easier' she has been so far compared to her older sister, Alexis. Alexis' hyperactivity is part of the reason they were hesitant to have another child. Allie already sleeps through the night, something Alexis didn't do until she was two years old.

Chandler & Roxanne Hampton


Chandler and Roxanne still reside in Glen Oak. Chandler is the co-pastor, along with Lucy, of the Glen Oak Community Church.

Roxanne continues to serve on the Glen Oak Police Force in honor of her mother.

Jeffrey Pedro Hampton

Born: January 22nd 1995
Age: 28
High School Graduation Year: 2013
College Graduation Year: 2021
Other: He lives in New York and works as a lawyer. He represents children in custody disputes. He doesn't come around much anymore; only for holidays and special occasions. He is still single; he fears getting married and having children of his own. Jeffrey fears that he could 'continue' the abuse tradition in his genes.

Cassidy "Cassi" Hope Hampton

Born: August 4th 2008
Age: 14
Grade: 9th
Location: Glen Oak, California
High School: Kennedy High School
Graduation Year: 2026
Other: Carin's best friend. She has a rebel side to her and enjoys a little 'adventure' in her life - which she gets from her mother who has returned to the Glen Oak Police Force. Cassi wants to grow up and work in law enforcement like her mother. She's a strong believer in 'women can do anything men can.'

She finds Bekah to be an annoying pest and believes Carin should "show her the door" whenever she wants to tag along. Nonetheless, she copes with her since she is Carin's cousin and all. She's popular with the boys at school, they admire her 'spunk' attitude. She enjoys being chased by boys... literally, and figuratively.

Mollie Faith Hampton

Born: June 18th 2013
Age: 9
Grade: 4th
Other: Mollie couldn't be more opposite than her sister if she tried. She is obsessed with fashion and everything 'girly.' Also, she can be a bit of a snob. Her life revolves around fashion, dolls, and gymnastics. Mollie can con her mother and father into getting her whatever she wants. She's creative when it comes to 'why' she should have particular items.

Boys - and girls - are afraid of Mollie. She has quite the attitude. If Mollie says so, Mollie's right. She's never wrong. She and Abby Jameson do NOT get along.

Mollie dreams of growing up, getting far away from Glen Oak, and becoming a super model. Will she succeed?

Tyler Seth Hampton

Born: December 12th 2017
Age: 5
Grade: Pre-K
Other: The youngest and only son of Chander and Roxanne Hampton. He's a quiet kid and enjoys spending time with his dad down at the church. He has been going through a stage where he doesn't want his mom to go to work. He is afraid that she could get hurt like another officer did which he saw on the news.

Chandler and Tyler spend a lot of quality time in the church office at the Glen Oak Community Church. Tyler likes to 'help' his daddy write his sermons.

Sandy & Jonathan Sanderson


Sandy is a minister at a local Christian church across town. She preaches strong morals to both of her children, hoping that they will not make the same mistakes that she did.

Jonathan works at the Glen Oak Hospital now as an OB/GYN. He's good friends with his colleague, Matt Camden.

Aaron Beau Brewer

Born: January 30th 2006
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Graduation Year: 2024
Location: Glen Oak, California
High School: Kennedy High School

Abigail "Abby" Rose Sanderson

Born: May 29th 2013
Age: 9, almost 10
Grade: 4th
Location: Glen Oak, California
Other: Abby loves spending time with her older brother, Aaron. She's acquired a 'tom boy' sense about her. Her hobbies include: going to baseball games, playing ball with her brother, and playing computer games at the library since her parents are against having electronics in the house. When she's not being a 'tom boy' she likes to spend time with her mother at the church. Abby has a love for God and wants to become a minister like her mother when she grows up.

Despite her Christian views, she has an issue with Mollie Hampton - a fellow Preacher's Kid. Mollie's 'all-it' attitude gets to Abby and she's not afraid to tell her so. She'll slap Mollie in the face with any chance she gets.

Robbie and Patty Mary Palmer



Moved back to Glen Oak in Spring 2008. Robbie is a Day Care Coordinator, and Patty Mary owns her own clothing shop. Over the last fifteen years she has been working on rekindling her relationship with her oldest, and only remaining, brother.

Camden Eric Palmer

Born: May 15th 2007
Age: 15, almost 16
Grade: 10th
Location: Glen Oak, California
Other: Hates his first name because it's the last name of "half the kids in school", or that's what he claims. Well, really, Jacob, Noah, and Josh are the only ones in his high school to carry on the last name. Though, Savannah thinks she knows the real reason he hates his first name - Savannah's theory is that he likes Madi Camden. Whenever she's in town he acts "funny"... (Funnier than usual...)

Grade-wise, he's sort of "in the middle" of most of the Camden-teenage cousins. On weekends, he can be found tagging along with Jacob Camden. His father isn't sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, given Jacob's reputation. Robbie can't help but worry that his son will end up making the same mistakes that he did, so he's protective of Camden. In the long run, that hasn't necessarily had the best influence on him. Camden is a bit of a loner, aside from his brief tag-a-longs with Jacob. He likes to stay at home and play computer games. Robbie doesn't find anything wrong with that, though. Anything that will keep his son out of trouble.

Annika "Annie" Louise Palmer

Born: August 15th 2011
Age: 11
Grade: 6th
Other: She's pretty much the opposite of her brother and is a social butterfly. Annie is in the same class as her cousin, Isaiah Kinkirk. Even though she's nice to him, he likes to try to make her cry. Though, Annie doesn't cry easily; the girl always wears a smile on her face.  She's also the same age as Clayton Brewer, who doesn't come around much, but when he does she hangs out with him. Annie doesn't understand why Isaiah has to be such a jerk, and she's openly made a goal to "change" him.

Mac and Margaret Searles

They announced their in August of 2008. Their wedding took place on May 11th 2009. Margaret ended up returning to school and now is a kindergarten teacher. Mac has matured quite a bit, even though he still has a 'goofy' side to him. He's popular with the children; but currently he is working with insurance. He is a good dad to his only son and enjoys spending time with him.

Mac and Margaret still reside in Glen Oak. Though, Mac and Lucy are at odds now over their children. Lucy doesn't agree with Mac's 'parenting styles' and she hates how Margaret just sits back and lets Mac be 'wild' with his son. This results in a lot of controversy.

Sebastian Michael Searles

Born: June 8th 2016
6, almost 7
About: Sebastian is the only child of Mac and Margaret Searles.. He can be very hyper and enjoys taking 'risks'. What can he say, having Mac as his dad? Sebastian adores his father and loves spending time with him.

Jonah and Sebastian are in the same class and happen to be good friends in school, the only time they really see each other.

John and Priscilla Hamilton

Vanessa Delilah Hamilton

Born: April 11th 2004
Age: 18, almost 19
Other: Attends University of California and is majoring in Communications. She's unaware that Charlie is attending also. John and the rest of the Hamptons ended up losing contact with the Camdens after December 2012. So, Vanessa has not seen Charlie - or any of his cousins - since she was eight.

Vanessa spends a lot of time with her aunt Lynn and her little niece, Marisa. They are the actual reason Vanessa choose to go to the University of California. Lynn and her husband, Vincent, currently reside there. 

Sadie Angelica Hamilton

Born: December 11th 2005
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Other: Is a high school junior and still lives in New York with her parents and younger brother. She is exploring going to college at the University of California to be closer to her sister. Sadie and Vanessa always had a close relationships growing up. She hasn't seen the Camdens since she was seven.

Ramsey John Hamilton

Born: January 4th 2009
Age: 14
Grade: 8th
About: He's a lot like his dad; he's caring and has a lot of respect for the people around him. He's also very protective of his older sisters. Being the only guy of the family, he feels like he has a lot of responsibility on his plate. All around, he's a responsible young man. Priscilla was pregnant with him the last time the Hamptons were back in Glen Oak.

Keisha and Neil O'Connor

Nevaeh Heaven O'Connor

Born: April 2nd 2006
Age: 15, almost 16
Grade: 10th

Killian Morgan O'Connor

Age: 10
Born: November 4th 2012
Age: 10
Grade: 5th

Nigel and Sasha Hamilton

Nigel met Sasha at the Glen Oak Airport over Christmas 2012. He was back in Glen Oak with his brother and sisters to meet up with the Camdens for the Christmas holidays. Sasha was sitting on a bench crying. It turned out that her boyfriend had just broken up with her over the phone. Nigel went over to comfort her, and that was the beginning of their long-lasting relationship. They were married on July 7th 2013.

They have had no luck at conceiving, and have tried every fertility option out there. Time is running out, and Nigel has insisted on multiple occasions that they adopt. Sasha insists that they have their own child, it's her dream and she's determined to fulfill it.

As of January 2023, they have saved up the money for one last In Vitro attempt. Nigel insists it's their last chance.

Lynn and Vincent Dekker


Lynn wanted to get settled down in a career before she ran off and got married. She graduated from Harvard Law School in 2016. After practicing law for an entire year, she moved to Hawaii and got a job as a lawyer down in Hawaii. It was there she met Vincent. As of January 2023, she is still clueless of his relationship with Ruthie.

After the 2012 Christmas, Lynn also lost contact with her old best friend. Shew as able to accept Ruthie's earlier decisions, but 2012 was just too much. Lynn went off to live her own successful life.

She and Vincent winded up getting married on February 14th 2018. They moved to Berkley, California about six months after their wedding in Hawaii, and a little over a year after that, their daughter Marisa was born. As of January 2023, Lynn is five months pregnant with another daughter.

Marisa Lynn Dekker

Born: March 12th 2020
Age: 2, almost 3

Wilson and Corey West


They still live in Buffalo and are raising their two adopted children. Also, in 2013, they had a child of their own.

Bernadette "Bernie" West

Born: September 2nd 1995
Age: 27
Other: Lives in New York and recently graduated from University of Buffalo Law School. She's now a defense attorney in New York City. Ms. West is currently single, and says she's not looking. All of her past relationships have led to nothing but hard feelings.

Wilson, Jr. "Billy" West

Born: August 6th 1996
Age: 26
Other: Is currently living in Alaska. He's recently engaged to a very nice woman he met up there.  They have not set an official wedding date yet.

Olivia "Livvy" Elizabeth West

Born: Dec 24th 2005
Age: 17
Grade: 11th

Gabriel "Gabe" Eli West

Born: Dec 24th 2005
Age: 17
Grade: 11th

Marleena "Marlee" Nora West

Born: November 19th 2013
Age: 9
Grade: 3rd
About: Only biological child of Corey and Wilson.

Jordan and Ella Johansen

Tyson "Ty" Johansen

Born: April 19th 2005
Age: 17, almost 18
Grade: 12th
Other: Dates Emmy.