

They always knew Ruthie would be different, but they were all too ignorant to predict this was how. After enduring her first miscarriage with her late boyfriend T-Bone's baby, Ruthie moved across seas with her brother Simon and sister-in-law. While there, she got a job as a waitress and baby-sat Madelyn. That Christmas, when she came home, she got herself into bigger problems...

Needless to say, Carin and Candi were conceived that day.

Carin and Candi were born in August 2008. Shortly after their birth, Ruthie and Martin got married. Ruthie began taking classes at Martin's college with hopes of getting a major in Psychology. Unfortunately, she never succeeded. Two years later, Martin graduated and Martin and Ruthie moved back to Glen Oak to be closer to their family. Ruthie particularly wanted to be close to Matt and Sarah.

Clayton was born shortly after. After Clayton's birth was when Martin started to become suspicious about Cari's paternity. He couldn't help but notice how much lighter her hair was, and she had blue eyes. Ruthie insisted she had just received recessive genetics from her family.

Two years later, in 2012, while Peter was home for Christmas he made a visit to the Camden's for their holiday. Instantly, he knew Carin was his. (This also results in Mary's secret coming out) Shortly after, Ruthie admits that Carin is indeed Peter's. Martin is furious, he and Ruthie get into a big fight. This results in Ruthie taking the children and driving far out of town to a hotel. Carin, Candi, and Clayton cry frantically for their father, both are very confused. Ruthie ends up leaving them in a hotel room alone when she goes down to the bar to drink.

After she's good and drunk, she goes back to the hotel room. Both children are passed out, but when she enters they wake up and start crying again. She starts shouting at them and she takes a knife and threatens to slit their throats. She begins beating them with her fist.

Fortunately, the maid hears them. She barges in and saves the children and calls the police. Ruthie is arrested on child abuse charges an spends five years in prison. After she is released, she is forbid from being alone with any minors under the age of twelve. She is not allowed to watch her nieces and nephews without supervision.

Shortly before Ruthie was released from prison, she was raped. A few weeks after her release, she realizes she is pregnant with Caden. Her family reacts frantically, particularly Lucy. Despite being pregnant with a fourth child herself, Sarah volunteered to house ICaden once he is born in order to prevent Social Services from getting involved. Matt didn't like the idea at first, he argued that they would have their hands full with one new baby in the house. Sarah insisted it would be fine. After all, they had already three boys - two of them twins, and the other being only eighteen months younger than the twins.

Now, Ruthie lives about a mile away from Matt and Sarah. She visits them regularly to keep close with her son, Caden. Also, she is trying to keep a bond with Carin. Carin is more of her 'friend' than her daughter.

Carin "Cari" Jo Petrowski

Born: August 3rd 2008
Location: Glen Oak, California
High School: Kennedy High School
Age: 14
Grade: 9th
Graduation Year: 2026
Other: Cari moved in with her biological father at the age of four. Peter receives full custody of his daughter after filing in family court. Her last name is also changed from 'Brewer' to 'Petrowski'. It was a confusing time for her when she was young, but now she fully understands what her mother did. She doesn't resent her mother, though. For the five years her mother was in prison, Cari remained very confused. She was nine when her mother was released, and since then she has been trying to obtain some sort of 'bond' with her mother. Carin loves her mother with all her heart, though she thinks what her mother did was pure selfishness. At fourteen, she enjoys spending time with her mother. Ruthie takes Carin and her friend Cassidy to concerts frequently.

She also has a close bond with her Uncle Matt. Carin spends a lot of time at her Uncle Matt and Aunt Sarah's house with her little half brother, Caden. he often brings Cassidy with her, aware of Josh's 'thing' for Cassi.

Carin is the voice of reason, like her mother was at her age.  She also tends to know everyone's business, similar to her mother. Also, she is very book smart. When she's not hanging with her friends, she can usually be found with her nose in a book.

Candice "Candi" Jean Brewer

Born: August 4th 2008
Location: Sacramento, California
Age: 14
Grade: 9th
Graduation Year: 2026
Other: She resides with her brother and father in Sacramento; her father is the recent elected Governor of California. Candi is a major athlete, and strives to make her father 'look good'. She plays volleyball, basketball, and softball. Sports are her life.  Even though she's got a bit of a boy-ish side to her - having grown up with her father and brother - she enjoys going to the mall with her friends and having 'girl' time.

Candi is also a Girl Scout. She enjoys doing service projects with her troop. They volunteer all over the community. Also, she loves to go camping.

Her relationship with her mother is virtually nonexistent, she doesn't understand how Cari could remotely even begin to forgive her. Martin has told both of his children horror stories about their mother, leaving them to believe she's the Wicked Witch of the West.

Despite not understanding her sister, she does get along with her. When they're together, they spend hours talking. Though, she thinks Cassi is a total bitch. But that's because Cassi gets jealous when Candi is in town and Cari would rather hang out with her own sister than her best friend. You know how they say it, "Three's a crowd."

She gets along best with her cousin Madi, who she typically only sees on holidays; but they keep in contact via online messengers. Candi also loves to hang out with Moriah when she's in town.

Clayton "Clay" Jeremiah Brewer

Born: March 1st 2011
Location: Sacramento, California
Age: 12
Grade: 6th
Graduation Year: 2029
Other: He resides in Sacramento with his father, Martin Brewer. Though, he still sees his family for holidays and various times during the summer. His grandfather, Beau, still lives across the street from the Camden's. He doesn't get along with his half-sister. His father has brainwashed him to believe that his mother is a "no good sonovabitch." Clayton doesn't claim Carin and Caden are really his 'siblings', though he's still forced to be around them at holidays. Also, with his cousin Isaiah, Clayton can be quite the trouble maker. Solo, he's a good kid. When he and Isaiah get together, they're nothing but trouble.

Clayton idolizes his half brother, Aaron. Clayton is already is involved in baseball and aspires someday to play for the San Francisco Giants, like his father did for two years. At twelve, he's already an all-star pitcher. Of course, he's been trained by none other than California's finest.

Caden "Cade" James Camden

Born: December 28th 2017
Age: 5
Graduation Year: 2036
Other: Nobody knows who his real father is, but he's very confused about who his parents really are. Having lived with Matt and Sarah since he was born, he's started to call them "Mommy" and "Daddy." Ruthie comes around often, and he calls her "Aunt Ru" - like his fellow cousins. Aside from parental confusion, Caden is sweetheart. He's well mannered and behaved as he's been raised under Matt and Sarah's structured rules.

Caden is always making people smile. He's a very happy child, considering his harsh 'background.' He gets along well with cousins Isabel and Hannah. Caden also loves his sister Carin to death - whether or not he realizes she's actually his sister.

He also has a mild case of autism.